TTCP2150: Intermediate C++ Programming / Effective C++

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About this Course

C++ is a powerful, high-performance programming language that offers an ideal blend of low-level memory manipulation and high-level abstraction capabilities. Learning C++ is a valuable investment for developers, as it opens the door to creating efficient, versatile, and complex applications that run on a variety of platforms. Modern companies across diverse industries – including finance, gaming, automotive, and telecommunications – rely on C++ for developing performance-critical applications, system software, and embedded systems. Renowned organizations like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft continue to leverage the power of C++ in their development practices, solidifying its status as a crucial skill for developers seeking lucrative and challenging career opportunities.

Geared for experienced C++ developers, Intermediate C++ 20 / Effective C++ 20 is a four day, hands-on program that dives covers a broad spectrum of topics – from the quick review of C++ essentials to modern C++ features, memory management, unit testing, and more. Our expert instructors will walk you through a comprehensive journey, investigating cutting-edge concepts such as RAII, copy and move semantics, namespaces, templates, and C++ 20 Concepts & auto Templates. You’ll learn to leverage the power of modern C++ and unravel the intricacies of memory management, including the handle/body pattern, smart pointers, and move constructors. By the end of this course, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of C++ memory, pointers, and complexity.

Working in a hands-on environment, explore the art of functional programming and discover how the IoC pattern, dependency injection, functors, and lambda expressions can bring about significant enhancements to your code. With a strong emphasis on SOLID principles, inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions, and operator overloading, this course will help you design robust, maintainable, and scalable modern applications. You’ll also expand your C++ toolset by exploring the rich offerings of the Standard Library, mastering the essentials of containers, algorithms, numerics, dates, and times. Gain a solid introduction to multitasking with threads, tasks, and async. As a bonus, you’ll also learn how to implement effective unit testing in C++ using GTest, ensuring your code is reliable and bug-free.

Join our immersive training experience and become an adept C++ developer with unparalleled skills in the latest C++ 20 programming techniques. This fast-paced, lab-intensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle the most challenging C++ development projects.

Audience Profile

This is an intermediate level development course designed for developers with prior C++ programming experience. Students without prior C++ programming background should take the pre-requisite training.

At Course Completion

Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team you’ll learn to:

· Master intermediate to advanced C++ 20 programming techniques, enabling the development of efficient and maintainable applications using the latest features and best practices.

· Acquire in-depth knowledge of memory management in C++, including the handle/body pattern, smart pointers, and move constructors, to optimize performance and minimize memory-related issues.

· Develop proficiency in functional programming with C++, incorporating concepts such as dependency injection, functors, and lambda expressions to enhance code flexibility and modularity.

· Gain expertise in utilizing the C++ Standard Library for generic programming, mastering the use of containers, algorithms, numerics, and other features to create powerful, reusable code components.

· Learn to implement effective unit testing in C++ using GTest, ensuring the reliability and robustness of your applications through rigorous testing methodologies.

· Understand the basics of multitasking in C++, exploring threads, tasks, and async for concurrent programming, empowering developers to create scalable and high-performance applications.


1. Quick Review of C++

· Implementing a basic O-O design

· Implementing Classes

· Visibility & friends

· File organization

· C++ types – structs, classes, interfaces, enums

2. Modern C++

· New features in C++ 11,14,17,20

· RAII - Modern memory management in C++ - overview

· Copy vs Move semantics

· Namespaces

· Strings

· Input & Output

· Implementing a linked-list – a demonstration of class, memory, pointers and complexity

3. Templates

· General Purpose Functions

· Function Templates

· Template Parameters

· Template Parameter Conversion

· Function Template Problem

· Generic Programming

· General Purpose Classes

· Class Templates

· Class Template Instantiation

· Non-Type Parameter

· C++ Containers overview

· C++ 20 concepts & auto Templates

4. Memory Management

· The handle/body (Bridge) pattern

· Using strings effectively

· Smart Pointers

· Move constructor in depth

· Other features

5. Unit Testing in C++

· Unit testing – Quick Overview

· Unit testing in C++

· Using GTest

6. Inheritance and Polymorphism

· Inheritance Concept

· Inheritance in C++

· Virtual Function Specification

· Invoking Virtual Functions

· VTable

· Virtual Destructors

· Abstract Class Using Pure Virtual Function

· Design for Polymorphism

· Interfaces

· Design for Interface

· A SOLID introduction

7. Exceptions

· Review of the basics: try, catch, throw

· The throws declaration in modern C++

· Using noexcept

· Overriding terminate

8. Operator Overloading & Conversion

· Basics

· Essential Operators

· Conversion Operators

· Constructor as conversion

· Explicit vs Implicit conversion

9. Functional Programming

· The IoC pattern

· Dependency Injection

· Functions as objects

· IoC via interface

· Functors

· IoC with Functors

· Implementing Functors

· Function Pointers

· IoC with Function Pointers

· Lambda Expressions

· Lambda Syntax

· IoC with Lambdas

10. Standard Library

· Perspective

· History and Evolution

· New Features

· Generic Programming

· Containers

· Algorithms

· Numerics

· Dates & Times

· Initializer List

11. Introduction to Multitasking

· Threads

· Tasks

· Async


Incoming students should have practical skills equivalent to the topics in, or should have recently attended, one of these courses as a pre-requisite:

· TTCP2100: Introduction to C++ Programming