MS-SQL: SQL: Querying

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About this Course

Many organizations use databases to store their most critical information: the information that manages their day-to-day operations. After the data is stored in databases, however, it is useless unless you can retrieve it for further business analysis. This course will teach you to use SQL as a tool to retrieve the information you need from databases.  You will work with queries to manipulate and index tables. You will also create transactions so that you can choose to save or cancel data entry process.

Audience Profile

Students should have basic computer skills, familiar with concepts related to database structure and terminology, and who want to use SQL to query databases.

At Course Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

•              Connect to the SQL Server database and execute a simple query

•              Include a search condition in a simple query

•              Use various functions to perform calculations on data

•              Format an output, save a result, and generate a report

•              Use subqueries to generate query output.

•              Manipulate table data by inserting and updating records in a table and deleting records from a table.

•              Manipulate the table structure.

•              Create views, manipulate data through views, modify the view structure, and drop views.

•              Create indices on table columns and drop inefficient indices.

•              Mark the beginning of a transaction, create a savepoint within a transaction, rollback a transaction, and commit a transaction.



SQL: Fundamentals (Book 1):

Lesson 1: Executing a Simple Query

·         Topic A: Connect to the SQL Database

·         Topic B: Query a Database

Lesson 2: Performing a Conditional Search

·         Topic A: Search Using One or More Conditions

·         Topic B: Search for a Range of Values and NULL Values

·         Topic C: Search Data Based on Patterns

Lesson 3: Working with Functions

·         Topic A: Perform Date Calculations

·         Topic B: Calculate Data Using Aggregate Functions

·         Topic C: Manipulate String Values

Lesson 4: Organizing Data

·         Topic A: Sort Data

·         Topic B: Rank Data

·         Topic C: Group Data

·         Topic D: Filter Grouped Data

·         Topic E: Summarize Grouped Data

Lesson 5: Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables

·         Topic A: Combine the Results of Two Queries

·         Topic B: Compare the Results of Two Queries

·         Topic C: Retrieve Data by Joining Tables

SQL: Advanced (Book2):

Lesson 1: Using Subqueries to Perform Advanced Querying

·         Topic A: Search Based on Unknown Values

·         Topic B: Compare a Value with Unknown Values

·         Topic C: Search Based on the Existence of Records

·         Topic D: Generate Output Using Correlated Subqueries

Lesson 2: Manipulating Table Data

·         Topic A: Insert Data

·         Topic B: Modify and Delete Data

Lesson 3: Manipulating the Table Structure

·         Topic A: Create a Table

·         Topic B: Create a Table with Constraints

·         Topic C: Modify a Table's Structure

·         Topic D: Back Up Tables

·         Topic E: Delete Tables

Lesson 4: Working with Views

·         Topic A: Create a View

·         Topic B: Manipulate Data in Views

·         Topic C: Create Aliases

·         Topic D: Modify and Delete Views

Optional Topics:

Lesson 5: Managing Transactions

·         A: Create Transactions

·         B: Commit Transactions


  • Access 2007 or 2010
  • Basic understanding of Relational Database Design